Water Softening, Whole-House Water Filtration & Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Solutions

  • Whole-House Water Filtration
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Water Softeners
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Proudly Serving DFW Since 1975!

Water Treatment Solutions For Homes in DFW

Berkeys is proud to offer Reverse Osmosis Water FiltrationWater Softeners (no “slimy” feel), and Whole-House Water Filtration for our customers in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex.

Water TreatmentLocal water treatment plants are designed to provide filtered water up to a certain standard, but as we all know this can only go so far. In many cases, impurities will still reach your home and can cause several issues such as brittle pipes, clogs, or even a leaky and inefficient plumbing system. The cause for this is that many modern treatment plants use chemical filtration processes which can react with minerals in the water to produce by-products. These by-products can travel to your home via the water supply. Additionally, city water may contain unwanted minerals and pesticides which can be harmful to your health and your home’s plumbing. Protect your home from these common issues with a Berkeys water filtration system.

Berkeys now offers a variety of Whole-House Water Treatment options such as Reverse Osmosis, Water Softeners and Water Filtration to provide you with cleaner and safer water and make your appliances live longer.

Our professional plumbers can perform a variety of tests to determine what impurities may exist in your home’s water supply and then recommend solutions and products tailored to provide you with clean water. As a first step, we determine the combination of impurities in the water, like pesticides, minerals or metals, and chemicals. We will also check the pipes in your home for any issues that may have introduced additional pesticides, chemicals and contaminants.

If you have Well water, there may be little to no filtration and no chemical quality. In these cases, the water may also contain higher amounts of chemicals, pesticides and minerals. Well water may require more extensive testing at additional cost.

Here is a list of some of the contaminants that may exist in your water supply:

  • Aluminum: associated with impaired brain function
  • Arsenic: a known carcinogen and linked to cardiovascular damage in high concentrations
  • Barium: known to contribute to high blood pressure
  • Beryllium: a probable carcinogen and highly toxic chemical when ingested
  • Cadmium: associated with kidney disease
  • Chromium: known to cause liver, kidney, and nervous system damage
  • Copper: can cause stomach irritation
  • Lead: believed to cause brain and kidney damage and is particularly harmful to children
  • Lithium: can cause diarrhea, nausea and kidney damage
  • Manganese: can be toxic to pregnant women and younger children
  • Thallium: believed to cause hair loss and damage the intestinal tract, kidneys and liver
  • Zinc: can lead to anemia in high doses
  • Pesticides and herbicides: can leach into groundwater and are known to contain hazardous chemicals

Before you get too concerned about this list, please know that many of the health risks associated with the above substances are the result of long-term exposure in high concentrations. Nevertheless, consuming any of them is not ideal and water filtration is highly recommended.

As each water quality case is unique, so are the solutions available to you. Berkeys recommends water filtration as the first step as its designed to address a broad range of issues. Depending on the quality of the water coming into your home, we may recommend additional solutions such as water softening.


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